Reaching Each
& Every Student
in the Class
One of the signs of the vibrant growth of our Lakewood Community is the flourishing and expansion of our Mosdos Hachinuch, with multiple parallel classes, often filled beyond capacity.
Personalized Attention
Mekor Hachinuch's teachers are well trained to provide individualized attention to address each child's specific issue, be it academic, behavioral or other.
Customized Lessons
Mekor Hachinuch customizes lessons based on each child's personal challenge. The classes are small; and are further divided into smaller groups to enforce the lessons.
A Team Effort
Parents and educators in the Mekor Hachinuch system all are jointly involved and dedicated to the success of their students. Working hand in hand, these children grow and thrive.
We Need Your Help
It is only with your help that we can keep our doors open and give each child an opportunity for an optimal education.