About Us

our history

Mekor HaChinuch is a remarkable institution that services the hundreds of elementary school students whose learning challenges prevent them from thriving in a mainstream classroom setting. Founded and guided by the renowned Mrs. Lea Schlesinger, M.S. Special Ed., Mekor Hachinuch’s outstanding team of devoted supervisors, therapists, and educators nurtures each child’s growth developing their latent abilities and eventually enabling them to successfully mainstream. Mekor Hachinuch’s self-contained classrooms operate almost invisibly within the framework of Lakewood’s yeshivos and girls schools, ensuring utmost discretion and virtually eliminating stigma. Currently more than 150 children are enrolled in 17 classes at Mekor Hachinuch.

Hosting Schools

Bais Faiga

Bnos Bracha

Bnos Orchos Chaim

Shiras Chaim

Bnos Yaakov

Bais Kaila

Oros Bais Yaakov

Orchos Chaim

Even Yisroel

Nesivos Hatorah

Yeshiva Ketana

Lakewood Cheder

Participating Schools

Ateres Tziporah

Bais Faiga

Bais Rivka  Rochel

Bais Rochel

Bais Shaindel

Bais Tova

Bais Yaakov

Bnos Bracha

Bnos Devorah

Bnos Esther Malka

Bnos Melech

Bnos Orchos Chaim

Bnot Yisroel

Bnos Yaakov

Tiferes Bais Yaakov

Tiferes Chaya

Bais Reuven Kaminetz

Lakewood Cheder

Cheder B'nei Torah

Kol Torah

Masoros Avos

Ohr Yehuda

Orchos Chaim

Ohr Elchonon

Ohr Yehuda


Shaagas Aryeh


TT Bais Avrohom

Toras Aharon

Toras Emes

Yeshiva Ketana